"If your goal is purity of heart, be prepared to be thought very odd." It is a powerful lie that, because sexual desire is natural, healthy and God given, anything I do because of that desire is natural, healthy, and God given.
"How in the world can you tell if you want to marry somebody if you've never kissed them?" I've heard students say. My reply, "But how in the world can you tell you want to marry somebody just because you've kissed them?"
Intimacy is not necessary.
I took it for granted that there must be a few men left in the world who had that kind of strength. I assumed that those men would also be looking for women of principle. I did not want to be among the marked-down goods on the bargain table, cheap because they'd been pawed over. Crowds collect there. But it is only the few who will pay the full price.
This was taken from "Passion and Purity", written by Elizabeth Elliot of her love life with Jim Elliot, about learning to bring your love life under Christ's control. Thanks Liqun :) Sometimes I feel hesitant about my purity vow, like when people tease, or give me odd stares, or doubt that I can even fulfill it. There's probably only four people, or five, (not counting pastors) that will openly support me in this. It really makes a difference whether you're Christian or not. It sounds terribly naive and silly does it? I guess it's just a panda thing! Are pandas naive and silly? How whimsical... But I'll stick with it. Even if I'm left on the shelf, at least I'm still pure for God. I could be considered an antique!
Haha sorry. I just HAD to add something random in my very serious post. Not that I feel like kissing anyone still. (SORRY ABEL I LIE!)
9:52 PM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Note to all guys out there:
Girls really like guys who are the gentlemen. Really. It's the little things you do, like holding a door open, or offering to carry her things. We really notice all this. It's actually very important. We are really put off when a guy fails to do any of that. Girls stare in utter astonishment when a guy just lets a door close in their face, or even worse, MAKE THEM CARRY STUFF for them!
NEVER hit a girl. You will never get a girlfriend in your entire life! muhahaha. I can't stand guys who punch/poke/pullhair. Haven't you heard of never raising your hand against a lady? If you hit me, I WILL HIT YOU BACK. So don't give that surprised expression like ''omg, aren't girls supposed to be all ladylike and demure'' That was in the Victorian times when men apologised for brushing against a woman. (and I have two brothers, so I've plenty of practice)
It's so RARE to find a gentlemen nowadays. I've just been irritated by guys lately. When someone is really like gentlemenly, I want to like applaud and congratulate the guy for having a bright marriage/cutechildren future in front of him.
Girls like to be treated like they are girls. Or at least, I do.
10:02 PM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Oh oh! I have words of wisdom from dear WanXiang! XD
~THE TRUTH OF UNIMPORTANT THINGS~ i think i know the reason why zombies are always attacking (no wait they just growl and shuffle) anyways, yeh firstly they are poor things which are totally sleep deprived. people didn't respect them, they didn't let the things rest in peace, so here they are, out in the cold cruel world, possibly on their way to the pharmacy to get some permanent sleeping pills. yes, that's it
My right brain has nothing left in it and my left brain has nothing right in it.
10:16 PM
There are just some songs out there that make you feel like dancing to it. I'm listening to one such now. Or maybe I'm just happy. :)
10:12 PM
Monday, August 25, 2008
I really really really like bookmarks. It's becoming a collector's item of mine.. I have different types like a soft toy one, metal ones, Christian ones... HAHA. Funny thing is I don't even use them. I can't stand it if they leave indents in the pages!!! Like how girls obsess over erm, mani/pedi/useslesscures, I obsess over bookmarks! It's frightening. I would kill myself if I spent twenty dollars on a pair of earrings, but I wouldn't mind if it was a nicely embroidered/crafted bookmark. which, do not remind me, can purchase one book already.
I really love pandas. Pandas are like... the cutest things on earth asides from Abel/Reagan/Aaris. Droopy eyes, lumbering and tottering all over. I wish I had a panda for a pet. I'll let it sleep in my bed, eat my spaghetti, read my twilight, and I could hug it to sleep every night! It could play my piano, play my flute, sit on my brother hahahaa. I want to dance with a panda! Twirl twirl twirl spin cha cha!
Pardon my insanity. I LOVE YOU PANDA~
9:12 PM
Friday, August 22, 2008
"Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift! That is why it is called present." ~Master Oogway from Kungfu Panda
KUNGFU PANDA !!!! ^^ I like like like like like like like like it a lot! One day I shall learn to be a ninja, and then hail myself as the kungfu panda-in-training! YOU BE NINJA? I BE NINJA! NINJA WE BE!
Today's meeting put a lot of stuff into persepective :) I have to be a blessing to the people around me! I can kinda see the areas I serve in now, and gotta be careful not to neglect any area! Dear God please help me to prioritise wisely. Help me to build relationships rooted in God's love too!
Prayer list
-Prelims for O levelers -Prelims for A levelers -Lynn's music jury on monday -My brother's affair -Relationships -School people -I shall add on when I remember. Haha. Crap I hope i don't forget anyone.
11:23 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
Who am I supposed to go to when I miss you?
Retreat was interesting!!! Even if I now have an infected throat and look like I've been punched. Haha. I really love yiling, hannah, liqun, lynn and yien. Polar bears are really fun! :)
And guys are really irritating. Some of them. Go chase after a football like what you usually do thank you.
9:41 PM
Friday, August 15, 2008
It is easy to love Him when the blue is in the sky,
When the summer winds are blowing, and we smell the roses nigh;
There is little effort needed to obey His precious will
When it leads through flower-decked valley, or over sun-kissed hill.
It is when the rain is falling, or the mist hangs in the air
When the road is dark and rugged, and the wind no longer fair,
When the rosy dawn has settled in a shadowland of gray,
What we find it hard to trust Him, and are slower to obey.
It is easy to trust Him when the singing birds have come,
And their songs of praise are echoed in our heart and in our home;
But it's when we miss the music, and the days are dull and drear,
That we need a faith triumphant over every doubt and fear.
And our blesses Lord will give it; what we lack He will supply;
Let us ask in faith believing - on His promises rely;
He will ever be our Leader, whether smooth or rough the way,
And will prove Himself sufficient for the needs of every day.
~Streams in the Desert~
10:29 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Hahhahaa. I really freaking cannot pack my room. It's got a new table now : ) but my worksheets and books are still stewn all over the floor like a hurricane swept in and still lurks in some dark corner of my room. But my brother and dad left SCRATCHES on my door while moving the silly green sofa out. My precious precious precious door... great PASTE A PICTURE OF ABEL/EDWARD THERE!
Anyway I'm really happy with Sunday. Playing for God really rocks. It makes me deliriously happy especially with all that has just gone past.
7:00 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Hear this praises from a grateful heart Each time I think of You the praises start Love You so much, Jesus love You so much
Lord i love You my soul sing Here in Your presence carried on Your wings Love You so much, Jesus love You so much
9:05 PM
I am really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really happy!
I love seeing your smile. It makes my day like nothing else can. A smirk, a grin, it tantalizes me.
8:47 PM
Friday, August 8, 2008
I hate getting close to people. Tangent curves are impossible. But when they go to negative inifinity, it really hurts. I'm so scared now. If people I love cannot be trusted and hurt me even more, I'd rather stay distant. But it's so painful, to cry and not be able to tell anyone. It's so draining to mantain relationships like that. Like a mimosa. Touch and close. Smart mimosa.
And I can't even tell anyone what's happening.
1:51 AM
Monday, August 4, 2008
I realize why sometimes I revel in music so much, is that it's wholly accepting, enveloping me in an intricate coccoon of pure melodies. When I sneak into that private dimension of mine, I can weave stories and pictures from mere notes, creating a world belonging only to me. Far away, from the harshness of reality. Purer. Clearer.
Detached. Listening only to the blending of full chords, the way melodies dance, prance, flit, flow, soar. And follow hopefully along, to lose oneself in the tangle of tunes so I am rendered deaf like Beethoven, hearing only the mind's music. We're both cowards. Deaf cowards.
But this is another form of escapism (ugh literature plagues me even here). Nothing plain about the truth concealed in my words. Even this post, one has to unravel to reach deep within to touch that place of hurt and pain. Yet no one ever will. Never.
9:37 PM
Sunday, August 3, 2008
This is Aaris Ho. I do declare I love her with a considerable portion of my heart. When you ask her to smile, she scrunches her face up in the most adorable way ever! Smile for the camera dear!!!
This is me trying to kiss her. Yes. That expression on her face is not one of disgust.. it's just her way of smiling. Haha. *kissies*
Say bye-bye Aaris dear.. Look at her wave! SHE IS SO OBEDIENT. I ask for a hug, and she gives me one, with a kiss to boot!
I try to stay faithful of course. My only TRUE LOVE : ) Abel. Why you scratch your own face my dear...
I learn more and more from children every week. Maybe the reason why I fall in love with kids is their innocence. I'm shamelessly hiding in it, wrapping myself in the love and trust they give without asking, without expectations.
I saw a boy called Samuel today. He was with his sister, Rena, a small toddler who could barely walk. He brought her to Sunday School, but when he left her there, she got up crying, and stumbled her way out to find him, wailing and sobbing as she went. I got up to stop her before she could fall and injure herself, but Samuel ran back the moment he heard her cry, and lifted her up bodily (Samuel is just p2 so that's quite a feat) and brought her back to the kiddies mat. She kept on crying, and Samuel sat beside her, hugged his sister, and put his face close to hers and rubbed noses with her. I tell you, I have never seen a warmer scene of love given so abundantly. I felt like melting into a puddle of envy and longing. Samuel will make a good boyfriend when he grows up. : )